★柏の葉マルシェコロール – 11月2日(土)11:00〜17:00 / 場所:柏の葉キャンパス駅周辺
★スクール説明会 - 11月2日(土)13時30分〜14時30分 / 場所:Beyondia International School Kashiwanoha
★ワークショップ:11時〜15時(14時30分最終受付) / 場所:Beyondia International School Kashiwanoha
Today, Saturday, November 2nd, we will have a booth at the Marche Colore event at Kashiwanoha Campus Station (^^). We plan to host a workshop where you can make a scarecrow bag → now held at our school! At Marche Colore, we’ll be handing out flyers and treats.
Additionally, at 1:30 PM, we’ll hold an information session at the school for anyone currently considering preschools or kindergartens. The session will be about 45 minutes to an hour.
★ Kashiwanoha Marche Corol – Saturday, November 2nd, 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM / Location: Around Kashiwanoha Campus Station
★ School Information Session – Saturday, November 2nd, 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM / Location: Beyondia International School Kashiwanoha
★ Workshop – 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM (last entry at 2:30 PM) / Location: Beyondia International School Kashiwanoha
We’ll be looking forward to seeing you!