Today, we had our T-site event. We invited so many new friends to come and spend some time getting to know us.
We broke the ice by introducing ourselves and the school before getting started with the Hello Song. It was amazing to see how many of our guests were able to sing so well.
Our parachute game was a hit. The kids had a lot of fun running around with the parachute and sending it up as high as they could before coming back down.

Our theme this time was: The Ocean. We read a really fun book about a little fish that swam through the sea, greeting all the fish he met along the way. The sea was so full of so many interesting, colorful fish. He was swimming all the way home to be with his Mum. It was very cute and everyone sat and listened.

After that, we played a quick game. We had two fish cut outs. All the kids walked in a circle singing along to Baby Shark. When the music stopped, they had to run and touch the fish called out by the main teacher. It was so much fun and everyone was able to find the right fish all by themselves.
We ended the event by making a Fish Tank Bag. The kids colored in the fish however they liked, crumpled up paper and putting it in the bag before sealing it up and putting on the handle. Everyone was so creative, I loved seeing all the different designs.

Thanks to everyone who attended the event. We had so many guests and we hope to see them again soon. We will be sure to keep everyone informed of when our next event will take place.