


Open School Day


Today was an exciting day for our Kinder class as they welcomed their parents for Open School Day. The children were eager to showcase their progress and share their learning experiences.

今日は、Kinder class のオープンスクールが行われ、子どもたちは自分たちの成長を保護者の皆さんに見てもらえることをとても楽しみにしていました。

The day began with our K1 class, starting with a short morning circle to set the tone. Then, the kids participated in a special group Show & Tell session, where they were divided into two groups. Each group proudly presented their park posters, a project they have been working on this month. Each child took turns explaining which park was their favorite, what they liked most about it, and answering questions from teachers, parents, and peers. We were truly impressed with how confidently they stood and spoke.

最初に K1 クラスがスタートし、朝のサークルタイムで一日を始めました。その後、特別なグループ Show & Tell の時間があり、子どもたちは2つのグループに分かれました。それぞれのグループが、今月取り組んでいる公園のポスターを発表しました。自分の好きな公園や、その公園のどんなところが好きかを一人ずつ説明し、先生や保護者、友達からの質問にも答えました。子どもたちはしっかりと立ち、堂々と話すことができていて、本当に感心しました。

To wrap up, the kids engaged in three interactive stations. One station focused on forming words using plastic letters, another involved coloring park equipment, and the last one was solving different map puzzles.


Next, it was time for our K2/K3 class to shine. They also started with a morning circle, followed by their Show & Tell session, where they presented their poster about Australia. The boys worked really hard to complete their Australia poster before Open School. In groups, they took turns explaining famous foods in Australia, landmarks and famous places, and animals found in the wild.

次に、K2/K3 クラスのオープンスクールが始まりました。K1と同様に、朝のサークルタイムを行った後、Show & Tell の時間でオーストラリアのポスターを発表しました。子どもたちはオープンスクールまでにポスターを完成させるため、一生懸命取り組みました。グループごとに順番に、オーストラリアの食べ物、有名な場所、野生動物について説明しました。

One of the most exciting activities of the day was creating their dream park with their parents. The kids worked with their parents to design a park and give it a name, sparking creativity and teamwork. Finally, the children rotated through three fun learning stations. One station involved solving map puzzles, another was a word search activity, and the last one focused on making an Australia vs. Japan comparison poster.


We are so proud of how well the kids did today. Their confidence, teamwork, and enthusiasm were truly inspiring. We hope you enjoyed watching them learn and grow. Thank you again for joining us and making today special.



