Beyondia International School KashiwanohaではK1(年少)〜K3(年長)の子どもたちが、千葉大学内にあるLoco door様の協力の元、いちごの栽培体験を実施しています。実際にいちごの苗のお世話をしたり、成長の様子を見ることができ食育の一環ともなっています。そんな農業体験の様子のレポートとなりますのでぜひ読んでみてくださいね♪
In December, the Kinder class had the wonderful opportunity to revisit the strawberry field. Bundled up in their winter coats, the children excitedly made their way to the greenhouses. Upon arrival, they were amazed to see how much the plants had grown in just one month. Some plants even had strawberries starting to grow, which filled the children with excitement and curiosity.

This visit focused on teaching the kids about pollination. They learned that bees play an essential role in helping flowers grow by spreading pollen as they travel from flower to flower. The greenhouse had some bees flying around, and the children even got to see their hive. While some were a little nervous, they found it fascinating to learn about the bees’ home and their vital work.

To help with pollination, the children were given paintbrushes and taught how to spread pollen between flowers, just like bees. They took on the role of the pollinators with great enthusiasm and care.

It was a hands-on learning experience that not only deepened their understanding of nature but also gave them a sense of accomplishment. With all their hard work, we’re looking forward to seeing an abundance of strawberries in the coming months!