Today, we had an open school event. We had seven families join us. It was amazing to see so many people come and interact with us and get to know us.
We started the day by having all the teachers introduce themselves to their new friends. We then all stood in a circle and sang out Hello Song. It was so cool seeing all the kids sing and dance along with us.
After that, we did our scarf dance. All the kids kids took a scarf from the box and danced along to the music. They were having so much fun.
It was then story time. We all sat down and read the story ‘Papa, please get the moon for me’ by Eric Carle. It is a story all about a little girl who wants her dad to get the moon for her to play with. We chose that book because it is almost time for Tsukimi, the Moon Viewing festival. Once the story was finished, we started to do our craft. We made some nice mochi together for the Moon Viewing festival. Everyone’s craft looked amazing in the end.
Finally, we sang our goodbye song and said farewell to all our new friends. We hope they had fun playing with us today and come back to visit us soon.