23rd December 2022, the day before Christmas Eve was sort of a historic moment for the school. It was the school’s first-ever Christmas party. The weather was splendid, a beautiful winter sunny day. The setting to celebrate the first Christmas event for the school was perfect. The school planned a lot of kid-friendly Christmas activities.

Kids-friendly fun English activities.
The day kicked off with the English teachers reading Christmas stories to the children in their different grades, basically nursery, pre-kinder, and kindergarten. The kinder kids enjoyed ‘Merry Christmas Curious George’ by Catherine Hapka. The nursery grades listened with curiosity to ‘Fa la la’, a book by Leslie Patriceli. We also had snow ball fight with newspapers and build a now man!

Christmas dance and exercise.
Physical, emotional stability and development s one of the objectives of any childcare facility. With this in mind, funky Christmas carols and a bit of exercise were next on the list. The kids jammed to Christmas carols chasing each other around the classroom as a form of exercise. The majority of the kids were wearing Christmas costumes.

An English teacher did a short presentation on a brief background of the Christmas celebration and how Santa Clause came into the Xmas picture.

Santa’s Visit.
Earlier in the week, nursery and kinder grades had put up their Xmas trees adding various ornaments to beautify them. Expecting presents under their trees, they were in for a big surprise when they saw Santa!!! After being bombarded with questions from the kinder students and the teachers, Santa cheerfully handed out toys. Each grade and student individually took pictures with Santa. Great start to the morning, the Xmas vibe strong.

The school’s first Christmas party event was a massive success. The kids had enormous fun in the morning and afternoon. A day packed with kids-friendly Christmas activities!