Beyondia International School Kashiwanohaでは年長(K3)の後期からロボ団のカリキュラムを導入しています。
通常ロボ団のカリキュラムは日本語で行われていますが、当スクールではEnglish teacherが英語でロボ団のレッスンを行っています(^^)
以下実際に今年度ロボを教えているEnglish teacherからのレッスンの紹介となりますのでご覧ください♪
It has been four months since we started the robotics lessons for the K3 kids! Robotics integrates knowledge from individual subjects, such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, by providing a hands-on approach for a more practical learning experience.

Robotics lesson motivates our kids to work together in order to accomplish given tasks, thereby, enhancing their team work, communication skills and interpersonal skills.

Robotics fosters an innovative mindset and it helps the kids to learn through inquiry. We often find ourselves in situations where kids ask questions and apply their prior knowledge to their assignments.

Robotics lessons can be considered the perfect tool to generate interest in complex subjects among kids while providing a fun experience!
ロボのレッスン中では実際にロボットが動いた時の「It worked!」という達成感も感じることができます。
Beyondia International School Kashiwanohaでは英語以外にも、スイミング、リトミック、運動遊び(体操)、知育などが専門講師から受講できます。