


Thank you for coming T-site event (January 28th, 2023)!


First out-of-school event for 2023. 

It’s the season for chocolates, a lot of pink hearts, and sharing love. The school hosted its first out-of-school event for 2023.

 It was another success. The many families that joined enjoyed singing, making crafts, and listening to a story by one of the English teachers.

International festival.

As an international school, Beyondia would like to introduce the kids to many international festivals. As we did before, we took learning out of the classroom and into the community to build a bond using English as a tool to foster this school/community bond and awareness. Beyondia hosted its first out-of-school event for 2023 at the beautiful and ever-welcoming T-site complex whose staffs are extremely friendly –

The theme was Valentine’s Day. 

After a brief introduction of the school and the goal behind the event, the kids and their families enjoyed singing, ‘Everybody do this’. This was followed by an English teaching reading of a valentine’s theme book, I love you through and through. A book authored by Caroline Jayne Church –

Fine motor skills.

The song ’Skidararink A Dink’ was played to get the kids to use their fine motor skills. 

Valentine’s Day Craft.

Valentine’s day craft was next on the menu. An English teacher gave simple clear instructions with an example to show everyone the simple steps to make the Valentine’s Day card. The parents assisted their children and together they created their cards. Not only were they exposed to English learning, parents and their kids spent quality time creating something together. If you would love to spend some precious time with your kids learning the only global language, English, and creating crafts with them, please join us. We are looking forward to having you join us at the next event.

Good-bye time.

We topped the day off with a goodbye song before thanking everyone for joining us. Another successful event, with great numbers in attendance. We are ever so grateful to T-Site for their ever-so-welcoming arms

Our first out-of-school event for 2023 was an enormous success. With Valentines as the theme, T-Site again provided us with a great number of attendance who enjoyed the activities prepared for them.


