On Saturday September 10th, we had our second event at T-Site in Kashiwanoha.

Thank you all for making reservations and attending last weekend!
In the morning, there were two Baby and Mommy lessons. We were pleased to see everyone dancing and participating in the activities.
The parachute dance we did seemed to be the biggest hit!

In the afternoon, we had our story and craft events. It was lovely to see the children and parents in each session so engaged while our teachers read the story Dear Zoo.
We were impressed with how many animals the children could recognize in English and how well they answered the questions asked by our teachers.

After the story, the children had the choice to make a chain snake or a lion mask based on the animals that appeared in the book.
The children and parents worked well together while following the instructions.
Those who made a lion mask looked very cute wearing them afterwards! And for the others, their snakes looked very cool and colorful!

Please check our website and T-site for the next upcoming event in October.
We can’t wait to see you then!
10月にもKASHIWANOHA T-siteでのイベントを予定しています。
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