In January, we had a wonderful Cuddle Buddy Day at school. All the students and teachers brought their favorite stuffed toys, introduced them to their friends, and shared their names. During morning free playtime, the kids had the chance to play with everyone and share their toys with both their teachers and friends.

In the morning, Nursery class (1-year-olds) and Pre class (2-year-olds)went for a walk, leaving their stuffed friends behind at school. The kids said their goodbyes, and it was heartwarming to see how mature everyone was—no one was upset about leaving their toys behind. In fact, the children were thrilled to return and find their cuddle buddies waiting for them on the sofas.
午前中、Nursery class(1歳児クラス)とPre class(2歳児クラス)の子どもたちはお散歩に出かけ、お気に入りのぬいぐるみを学校に残していきました。子どもたちは「バイバイ」とお別れをしましたが、誰も泣いたり寂しがったりすることなく、とても成長した姿を見せてくれました。むしろ、学校に戻ったときにソファで待っているぬいぐるみを見つけて、大喜びしていました。

As the theme of the day continued, the kids kept the cozy spirit alive by napping with their cuddle buddies. In the afternoon, the Kinder class had a Show and Tell session to work on communication skills. Each child introduced their cuddle buddy to the class and then expressed their creativity by drawing their favorite stuffed toy.
その日のテーマは続き、子どもたちはぬいぐるみと一緒にお昼寝をして、温かく心地よい雰囲気を楽しみました。 午後には、キンダークラスがコミュニケーションスキルを育むための「Show&Tell」を行いました。 子どもたちは一人ずつクラスの前でぬいぐるみを紹介し、その後、お気に入りのぬいぐるみを描いて創造力を発揮しました。

It was a special day filled with fun, laughter, and valuable learning experiences!